A variety of parts are available for customer requirements
A Diverse Parts InventoryA variety of parts are available for customer requirements
In/Output of inventories are systematically managed, leading to a high accuracy of delivery.
Well-managed Inventory based on WMSIn/Output of inventories are systematically managed, leading to a high accuracy of delivery.
Many parts become available to locally produce, benefitting for price competitiveness.
Cost Saving from Parts LocalizationMany parts become available to locally produce, benefitting for price competitiveness.
Customer requirements are swiftly followed up by specialists.
Fast and Delicate performance by Seasoned engineersCustomer requirements are swiftly followed up by specialists.
To see an inventory of parts, please click each relevant area.
A variety of parts are available for customer requirements
A Diverse Parts InventoryA variety of parts are available for customer requirements
In/Output of inventories are systematically managed, leading to a high accuracy of delivery.
Well-managed Inventory based on WMSIn/Output of inventories are systematically managed, leading to a high accuracy of delivery.
Many parts become available to locally produce, benefitting for price competitiveness.
Cost Saving from Parts LocalizationMany parts become available to locally produce, benefitting for price competitiveness.
Customer requirements are swiftly followed up by specialists.
Fast and Delicate performance by Seasoned engineersCustomer requirements are swiftly followed up by specialists.
To see an inventory of parts, please click each relevant area.
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Tel. +82-43-532-8818 | Fax. +82-43-532-8821
36, Oksansandan-ro, Oksan-myeon, Heungdeok-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, Republic of Korea, 28101